Sunday, September 28, 2008


Hello everyone!
I just wanted to start off my blog with a goodbye! This is my last night in the States until I head off to Ghana with my Peace Corps group. I have been in Philladelphia for the last couple of days for orientation and to meet the other volunteers in my group. There are about 30 of us, and everyone is so great and passionate about the work they'll be doing in Ghana. Many of you may know already what my task is in Ghana, but for those of you who don't, I will be working in the health sector as a health, water, and sanitation educator. I am basically going to be living in a rural community for two years and educate them on safe living practices and will also be doing some public health work. I am really excited about the experience and nervous at the same time. I'm also worried because as most of you may know, I, Sinae Hong, does NOT do well in hot weather!
I will be in the capital of Ghana known as Accra for a couple of months for training and they are a bit more advanced in technology, so I will have some internet and some wireless coverage for my phone that I'm bringing with me from home, so please send me many emails, pictures, and messages (even if it's a simple hi), I would love to hear from you all, expecially since I will, and already am sooo homesick and miss you all very much! Until the next time, take care everyone, I love you all!
Love, Sinae